Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Congressman Sabertooth Makes the World So Much Better

Barney Frank is a gay East Coast liberal who wants to legalize marijuana, so he's pretty much a walking nightmare for Bill O'Reilly. Somehow, though, the two are destined to be together.

Frank was on on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, the awesome NPR funny quiz show. They make him answer questions about Bill O'Reilly and he's very funny! Here's the link.

And here's O'Reilly screaming at Frank because that's why he gets paid the big bucks.


Tempy said...

Am I the only one who remembers, on a daily basis, that Bill O'Reilly is the one who called a staffer and told her he wanted to rub her with a falafel? Anyone?

John Knefel said...

And they settled out of court for a hefty chuck of change.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Frank is the worst kind of liberal, He actualy beleives what he is doing is good for our country.They do not care how much they take from you. What ever you have you will have to give to Gov't. I hope our children will forgive us for what we have done to them.