Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hiking the Appalachian Trail

That's right folks! Like many a great man before me, I'll be spending the next week and a half hiking the Appalachian Trail, by which I of course mean I'm going to Buenos Aires, Argentina to visit a lady-friend. I have asked my staff to keep those vultures in the press at bay in my absence.

As a result, blogging will be spotty until I return on Oct. 26th. I'll try to keep posting updates semi-regularly about US politics while I'm there, and I'll try to throw in some Argentinian stuff as well. If anybody wants to do some extra reading about the region, the lady I'm visiting just started a blog (everybody has one!) that can be found here, and another great blog about workers' struggles in Argentina can be found here. More photos like the one above, taken by said lady, can be seen here, or from one of the links on her blog.

In loosely-related class-consciousness news, there's a fundraiser tomorrow night that I won't be able to go to (see above), but I highly recommend for anyone who's in the New York area. The purpose of the night is to raise money to fund the Campaign to End Capital Punishment. If you have a facebook account, the event can be viewed here. Otherwise, here's the necessary info:

Friday, October 16, 2009
145 W. 122nd St.
Apartment 3
6:30pm - 11:30pm

With hosts:
* Lawrence Hayes, former Black Panther and former New York death row prisoner
* Alan Newton, exonerated in 2006 after 21 years behind bars
* Yusef Salaam, exonerated in the Central Park 5 case

$15-$20 suggested donation at the door – food, wine & beer included in cover. Proceeds go to support the fight against the death penalty.

All welcome!

So, yeah, go party with people who are sick of living in a Punisher-like justice system, during which I'm sure there will be lots of talk about the Murderer of Texas, Rick Perry. He killed an innocent man, folks! Then covered it up! Oh, Texas, will you ever stop killing the innocent and the mentally handicapped? (Answer: no. But maybe if you go to this party?!?!?!?!)

Again, in *maaaaaybe* tangentially related news, I just received an e-mail from my friend Evan with the subject line: Rush Limbaugh = Fat Fucktard. Well, no arguments here. Evan links to a very short article about poor Rush's failed attempt to purchase the St. Louis Rams with his hate-money, which he has a lot of, because he has a lot of hate, which in America makes you very rich. The money quote:

"And [Rush] says he believes what happened to him was an illustration of "Obama's America on full display.""

HA! SO LONG, AMERICA! Good luck with all that. Oh, Rush. I'll not miss you on my travels. Let's just say that I'm going to enjoy not combing through the absolute worst in humanity for LAFFS for a few days. It makes my brain get crazy!

One last thing in the rambling post. I'd just briefly like to say thanks to everybody who has been reading this blog. I enjoy writing it, and it's nice to know that a few people enjoy reading it. Traffic is still modest, but slowly increasing day by day. So if you've ever reposted, retweeted, linked to, or done any other Intraweb thing to one of my posts--thanks!

If you haven't seen it yet, here's a video I did with my sister, Molly. Adios por uno o dos o tres dias, muchachos.

1 comment:

Unkie J said...

Godspeed oh intrepid political humourist. We'll patiently await your return from the southern Hemi chock full of expanded jocular worldly insights to tickle our funnybones and raise our collective social conscience out of the unbelievable muck into which it is daily dipped. That said have a great time.